I joke about Bigfoot fairly regularly. This week I even signed a “We the People” petition on whitehouse.gov regarding the existence and protection of the great North American primate.
A couple of months back I made a Bigfoot joke and my wife asked me “You really don’t believe in all that...do you?” This after years of me listening to various podcasts and watching television specials!
I totally believe in Bigfoot.
This isn’t a blog post trying to convince people of the various forms of anthropological evidence.
It’s about belief and story. I have a little introduction to myself I use when I teach to new groups of people. Part of it is me mentioning I believe in Bigfoot. But I always follow it up by telling people we should all have something we believe in that is unbelievable.
When we loose the childhood grasp on the unbelievable we loose so many other things.
When it comes to faith, this is pretty important. The second we quit believing in things is the second we start taking ourselves too seriously. In that moment we begin becoming our own God. We take on the idea we can do anything on our own. We don’t need anyone or anything else.
A time will come when we will each be very disappointed.
"No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it." Matthew 19:26 (The Message)
To call ourselves people of faith means believing in what others call nonsense. That a Jewish guy living 2000 years ago called himself the divine (yet human) son of the creator. Not only did he make that claim, but he called us to come alongside him in his efforts. The world he then talked about was one filled of upside down values so audacious they became practically the most unbelievable part of the whole thing. To tie up the whole piece, he died and then came back. Finally, he promised to come back again and really wrap things up.
This makes my whole Bigfoot fascination seem kinda tiny.
The path of trusting in faith leads to a path of believing the unbelievable. It means believing it so much people start asking you “Do you really believe in this...”. It means trusting like a child. Taking the truth in a plain sense. Letting go. Your quest to be in control and in charge is null and void. You stop taking yourself seriously and start taking Jesus seriously.
How is God calling you to let Go and believe?
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