Over the next few days I am going to be at the Abbey of St. Joseph with other Methodist clergy for a time of spiritual retreat. Everyone does their own thing at these events and I choose to read. Here are a few of the books I am bringing with me.Without planning I realized all three of these are keeping with my unspoken (not anymore...) focus on prayer for 2013.
1. The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds:
You might remember this from my 2013 reading list. I really would like to finish it this week.
2. Contemplative Prayer by Thomas Merton:
I read this years ago. I find it is a great small book to casually flip through and read a few pages. Lately it has been in my saddlebag of my Harley.
3.The Intercessory Life by Maxie Dunham:
Several classes at my church are going through this book. I am doing it personally and enjoy the conversations I have with others. It is a really good 28 day guide to prayer.
Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray. Mark 1:35
What do you like to do/read when you get away from it all?
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